Stuck In The Right Place To Be ~ Aanya Kumar

 Stuck In The Right Place To Be

I love Harry Potter… don’t get me wrong, but being stuck in a world that I have only read about in books! Hold on a minute, I think you need a flashback. 


My name is Aanya Kumar, and I am a Harry Potter fan. By fan I mean a MAJOR fan. I am twelve, which means if I did go to Hogwarts, I would be in my second year. But that’s not too bad… I am pretty sure I will catch up. Do you know what the exciting thing is? My parents are taking me on a trip to London! The exact place where platform 9 ¾ is. AAAAAHHHH!  Ok, ok, calm down. Right… so, tomorrow we have a flight booked straight to London.

I am in London. THE London. The same London where THE Harry Potter started Hogwarts from. We visited the King’s Cross Station. I, for once, dashed to find the platform between 10 and 9. “Found it!” I then put my hand on it. With a swoosh, my hand disappeared. Startled, I pulled my hand out. I looked at it as if it were an alien. I touched it with my other hand to see if it was real. I was real, alright! So, I pushed my whole body through the wall. “Woahhh!” I stepped into one of the compartments. A while later, the train moved and I waited patiently for the trolley lady to come. Later on, I texted my parents since I figured that they might be worried.

I am pretty sure mum’s mad at me… Oh well. In some time, a tall and shy looking boy entered the compartment and asked me if he could sit beside me. Later, when he introduced himself, I got to know that he was Albus Potter -- 

the son of Harry Potter. A while later, a girl entered saying her name was Rose Weasley -- Ron and Hermione’s daughter. I am the luckiest person, am I not? 


Umm… I realised that I didn’t have money, or as they say there, galleons. Yup, I was broke! So, I decided to just go to the castle. And trust me, it was an amazing place to be. I headed towards Headmistress McGonagall’s office. Oh boy, was I in a dream? I looked behind to come face to face with a black cat, which then transformed into the Professor I had been looking for. “Don’t worry, this is all real. Is it your first year? How old are you?” she said calmly. My eyes widened and then I swallowed the lump inside my throat and told her my situation. I was then told that I would be in second year ( not that I didn’t know ), and that I would be sorted tonight. I walked towards the hat as the Professor smiled at me. I was the only one, so it was a bit awkward. To add to that, I am a very clumsy person. When I got sorted, the table of students in blue robes cheered. I felt very welcomed there.


I was on my way to class as I stumbled across a thing quite familiar. I picked it up and turned it around to see the world around me swirling. What had I done? Everything stopped. I looked around to see a very angry looking Hermione. Wait… Hermione?! I checked my watch for the year. I am in the year in which the Golden Trio were in their third year. What else was there to do? I befriended them. 


No! I take it back. I don’t want to be here. It’s great and all, but I miss my parents and the food here is not great for a vegetarian. Who am I kidding? I want my Indian food. I told the Headmaster about my journey from India to Hogwarts, and to Hogwarts in the past. He helped me understand exactly what to do.

With the help of Hermione, I had mastered my magic. The Headmaster took me back to where I should have been. Since he was dead, it was his spirit who let me go -- a beautiful, silver and glittering spirit! I then found my parents. “Obliviate!” All their memories of me had been gone for months . Since that day, I have been telling every child that I meet, the story of how I befriended the Golden Trio and their children. They just look at me like I am crazy. Oh well! that makes sense because the friends I made during my London trip were all magical. 

Aanya Kumar



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